How to Measure Your Windows for Perfectly Fitted Blinds


Installing blinds is a practical and stylish way to enhance your windows while controlling light and privacy. However, achieving a perfectly fitted look requires accurate measurements. Whether you’re a seasoned DIY enthusiast or a novice, this guide will walk you through the step-by-step process of measuring your windows for perfectly fitted blinds, ensuring a seamless and polished appearance that complements your interior decor.

1. Gather Your Tools

Before you begin, gather the necessary tools to ensure accurate measurements. You’ll need a metal tape measure, a pencil, a notepad, and a sturdy ladder if your windows are out of reach.

2. Choose Inside or Outside Mount

Decide whether you want an inside or outside mount for your blinds. An inside mount fits within the window frame, while an outside mount covers the entire window frame and may extend beyond it. Each option offers a different aesthetic, so choose based on your preference and the available space.

3. Inside Mount Measurements

If you opt for an inside mount, follow these steps:

  • Width Measurement: Measure the width at the top, middle, and bottom of the window frame. Record the narrowest measurement to ensure a proper fit.
  • Height Measurement: Measure the height from the top of the window frame to the windowsill at the left, centre, and right. Record the longest measurement.

4. Outside Mount Measurements

For an outside mount, follow these steps:

  • Width Measurement: Measure the width of the area you want the blinds to cover. If you prefer the blinds to extend beyond the window frame, add extra width on both sides.
  • Height Measurement: Measure the height from where you want the top of the blinds to be down to where you want them to end. Again, add extra height if desired.

5. Consider Light Gaps and Privacy

When measuring, consider your desired level of light control and privacy. For an inside mount, remember that the blinds will fit within the frame, potentially leaving small gaps on the sides. If you prefer better coverage, add extra width to your measurements. Likewise, for an outside mount, extending the blinds beyond the frame can reduce light gaps.

6. Account for Obstructions

If your windows have handles, locks, or other obstructions, measure around them to ensure the blinds can operate smoothly without interference.

7. Check for Levelness

Use a spirit level to ensure that your window frames are level before taking measurements. If the frames are uneven, your blinds may not hang properly.

8. Measure Twice, Cut Once

The old adage holds true here—measure twice to avoid costly mistakes. Double-check your measurements before placing an order for blinds to ensure a perfect fit.

9. Ordering Your Blinds

When ordering your blinds, provide the exact measurements you’ve taken. Most blind manufacturers will customise the blinds to fit your specifications. Remember to specify whether you’re providing inside or outside mount measurements.

10. Seek Professional Assistance

If you’re unsure about measuring or if your windows have unusual shapes, it’s advisable to seek professional assistance. Many blind retailers offer measurement and installation services to ensure a hassle-free experience.

Perfectly Fitted Blinds

Get perfectly measured blinds for your home

Measuring your windows accurately is a crucial step in achieving perfectly fitted blinds that enhance the aesthetics and functionality of your space. Whether you choose an inside or outside mount, take precise measurements, consider light gaps and privacy, and account for any obstructions.

Remember, a little extra effort in measuring can lead to blinds that seamlessly integrate with your interior design while providing the desired level of light control and privacy. By following these steps and seeking expert guidance if needed, you’ll be well on your way to enjoying the benefits of perfectly fitted blinds that transform your windows into focal points of beauty and functionality.

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